Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the magnificient 'search'

slm and hi everyone!

Alhamdulillah, finally the 'search' of a rented house has ended yesterday.we (mr boss and me) have found a good, comfortable, secured and most importantly affordable single storey terrace house in Taman Seri Redan, Malacca. thanks to En Abd Rahman, the owner who kindly gives us the house to be rented for just one month. this is my opportunity to be closed to my boss before he will be leaving me soon (insya Allah next January 2011).this is why i accompany him all the way from johore to make sure we have quality time to reunite again and ensure the love blooms endlessly.

for this entry, i'll briefly write on how the search started and finally ended. the trouble we had encountered from day 1 until day 3.

Day 1: 6th Dec 2010

we started our journey at 7.30 a.m. from Kluang (our rented house in Johore), stopped by at my mom's house for a nice and sweet goodbye, asking my dad to help me taking care of my house and switching on the lamp every night, making usre my mom will look after the small garden, watering the plants everyday.then we headed to my mom-in-law's house. we hugged and shook hands. after that, we made our way to sri lalang where we had our brekkie there, 'mee soto' and a glass of iced tea. this was when i finally realised that mr boss' medicine was lost in action, i searched inside out, in my make up bag, my luggage, his luggage, the back seat and my handbag.i couldn't find it. Ya Allah, where was it.then, mr boss was looking strenly at me and i said to him that 'okay, everyone makes mistakes, dear.i have to take care of everything'. i was sure at that time that i had placed it somewhere but it was lost.

we made our way back to my rented house which only took about 15 minutes.when i reached there, i went inside and omg! the med was not there either.i was blanked and confused. how could a plastic of med was missing? did the ants and flies took it? huhuhu...i looked at mr boss and he quickly checke again the car boot and went through my make up things and finally found it. it was hidden somewhere behind my toner and stuffs. small argument started and i apologised for the wrong doing.

next, we continued our journey and mr boss was driving very fast because he had a class to be attended at 10.30 a.m. he asked me to drive but i was so sleepy and tired (because of all the helping here and there during his bro's wedding in semerah and kluang.i was so tired. i was not fit to drive all the way to malacca at that moment).140-160km/h.omg! i advised him to drive slowly.there were two big lorries were some sort of giving us warning at the other side of the highway. deep in my heart, i knew that something was wrong.maybe there was a speed trap in front of us. i just crossed my fingers hoping that nothing would happen at that time.

suddenly, a speed trap as i was expected waiting for us about 2 kilometres in front of us. all the vehicles were slowed down immediately without any notice. my heart was beating very fast and i looked at mr boss' face. we said that we would be in trouble.we were pretty sure about that. the crossing of our fingers and the pray in my heart and mouth continued until we saw the traffic officer pointed the other way to us signalling that we had made a big mistake.we waited patiently in the car until an officer approached our car and asked mr boss to give the driver's license and IC. he told us that we were driving very fast blablabla...yadayadayada... i listened to all the Q and A's session attentively. and the result of that session is secret... (hehe...making all of u's private and confidential)

we finally reached at ALAM (akademi laut malaysia) in kuala sg baru, malacca at 10.30 a.m. sharp.oh good! we managed to arrive on time. then mr boss headed to the registry department and asked me to go to the rsource centre. i brought along his lappy toppy and surfed the Internet happily ever after uploading all the new hijabs for my new online business. there were about 20 new fresh undergraduates ALAM students in the resource centre too.very young, naive looking students.i thought wouldn't it be nice if i settle down here and lecture here leaving my hectic life in kluang and be in this new environment. i kept on thinking and metacognition started smoothly.

then, at 12 p.m., mr boss called and asked me out for lunch at one of the most popular small restaurant 'warung asam pedas'.wow, i had a marvellous lunch.very spicy yet delicious. then, we headed to a mosque and prayed there. we went to ALAM again because mr boss had another class at 2 p.m. i continued uploading all the hijabs and updating my fb account. 40 mins later, mr boss approached me and said the class was over.i was confused because the class was supposed to end at 4 p.m. but it turned out that the lecturer was kind of kind and sweet to let them go early since it was a small briefing about the resource centre. mr boss complained that the course which costs about few thousands but the admin just managed to give these students a small briefing about something that they already knew about since their 1st year of graduate  studying years. don;t blame anyone, it's just one of their so-called not so reliable and perfect management.

this was when the 'search' began.we went to the 'perumahan awam' in front of the academy and started to look around if there was a nice rented house. i called a landlord and asked about the price af his house since he put a small sign saying that he is looking for someone to rent his house.the condition of the house is okay-okay only. the porch is messed up with lots of old unwanted things. what a mess! the landlord asked me to call his wife. he couldnt make a quick decision at all leaving the matter to his wife.omg! i can't believe this at all. we didn't want to go back to the house and get the wife's hp no coz it was a waste of time since we agreed that the house would be messy inside because it is messy outside. okay done with the '1st degree messy house'.

we moved to the next housing area. very clean environment and quite new houses looking at the paint of those houses and area.i approached a woman and asked if she knew any rented houses around. she asked me to leave my hp no behind and would let me know as soon as possible.however, until now, she has not made the call.huhuhu...don't promise anyone if you can't even keep that promise okay!

mr boss asked me to drive since he was tired and kind of sleepy.i showed my skill as a good and expert driver although i was sleepy at times.hahaha...i managed to drive all the way to at least 3 housing areas and then went to pengkalan balak to have a nice tea break eating 'keropok lekor' and banana fritters by the sea side.oh what a nice view that evening! it was mesmerising and perfect momento!

the search continued until about 5 p.m. we were tired and agreed to rent a chalet at pengkalan balak which costs us RM80 per night/it was okay since mr boss was tired driving all the way from kluang to malacca. we checked in at the chalet called 'Mawar' and prayed had two single beds, a small TV, shower, small kitchen and fan. after that, mr boss realised that the toilet was not functioned very well including the lamp which was 'lilap liplap' all the times.we called the owner and asked him to fix that.he asked us to bear with that and cope with that matter since he didn't want settle boss argued with him and he gave us RM10 discount.omg! what a stingy and irresponsible owner.if i could lay my hands on his face at that time, i would do it just that the owner was not there, just his assisstant, an OKU woman who can't speak and does not understand any spoken words.we must sign language only.oh what a day!

mr boss told the assisstant what had happened and she asked us to move to another room which is more spacious and comfortable and costs more than the previous room actually.but we didn't even bother to pay more and the assisstant did't ask for any extra payment.we were glad that she was good enough to understand our situation.

we had our dinner just beside the chalet.a small restaurant.dinner at 12 a.m because we were so freeking tired just now.

okay that's all for Day 1.i'll continue for Day 2 and 3.

happy reading!!!

sign off,

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